Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Starting off the league

My name is Michael Erickson and I know nothing about Fantasy football. I hardly ever watch football, but I plan on winning my first year in fantasy football.

I know a little about football, enough to talk about it with other men, and sound like a real man. I only watch the Superbowl for the commercials, if the commercials stink, then it was a bad Superbowl, in my opinion.
I don't even have a favorite team, well I do sort of. My sort of favorite team is the 49ers. The only reason they are is because they used to be my brother's favorite team. When he passed away I became a fan as an homage in remembrance of how great he is, not how great his team is. If I were to say I like 49ers you would tell me how bad they are, but I'd remember the golden years. The years my brother would bet on the 49ers and they would make him money. When they had Joe Montana and Jerry Rice, the best combination you could get for quarterback and receiver.
For years people have asked me to join their leagues in my church, I have always turned them down. Because I could care less about watching football quite honestly and I never thought I would have a chance at winning against theses experts. The guys I would have been up against had a radio show about football and fantasy football picks. I didn't stand a chance.
The reason this time it will be different is because I am against my wife's side of the family. They are far away and this is a way to keep in touch with them. I don't know how much they know about football, it is guaranteed to be more than how much I know. I don't care, I want to win, and I will win.
Why do I stand a chance? I stand a chance because I am the underdog, like in the story of Rocky I will come out on top. Remember the other teams in the NFL that barely make the playoff's then win the Superbowl? I will kind of be like that in some way.

I have already named my team, "The Lone Rangers" and have a picture of the logo ready to go.

The actual draft is September 3rd, I don't have any idea who I will pick, but it should be interesting, to say the least.


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