Thursday, December 18, 2014

A Tie in the playoffs?

The Lone Rangers tied in overall points in the Playoff bout against Robbie Gould isssss Gold. The second game saw the Lone Rangers score a measly 55 points. This lead to a 151 to 151 tie between the two head to head teams!

Aaron Rodgers the usual champ for The Lone Rangers coughed and sputtered up five points. Aaron Rodgers turned around and was mowed over by the Buffalo Bills? Yeah the Buffalo Bills pulled it out of their shorts and stomped Aaron Rodgers, thus stomping the Lone Rangers in the process. Thanks Bills.
The two Highest scorers were Roddy White and Stephen Gotkowski with 11 points each. These 11 points each collected together with other awful scores turned the Lone Rangers into losers. The Lone Losers.

For the upcoming game The Lone Rangers will trade off Rueben Randle for their fan favorite, Markus WHEATON! WHEATON! has been a fan favorite of the Lone Rangers since he started the fans are cheering and welcoming his return back in the game!
The Lone Rangers will also make a wise decision to get rid of The Jets Defense and put back in the Rams defense. Trading out the Rams defense was a bad move meant to make a quick buck, but quick bucks always backfire and the coach of Lone Rangers should know better.

The Lone Rangers are set to go against Team Larsen for the next two weeks. This will be their final game of the season. The next two weeks will determine how big of winners the Lone Rangers really are. The experts say that The Lone Rangers are pitted to lose against Team Larsen. But as always time is the greatest tell all.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Holy COW!

There are times when things go as we would expect them. Then there are times that the clouds part and a miracle comes down to earth! The Lone Rangers pulled off a victory against the Robbie Gould isssss Gold. The final score was 96 to 74.

Aaron Rodgers was the top scorer for The Lone Rangers with a smashing 27 points. They were up against Atlanta and Aaron helped bring Green Bay to victory, and also brought us to victory. Thank you Aaron!

The second top scorer was the Rams Defense. Up against the Washington Redskins they scored 24 points! They smashed the Redskins like they were not even playing. The Rams defense proves themselves week after week! They are going all the way this year, and The Lone Rangers will gladly let them.

This complete game isn't over until after this next week. The Lone Rangers will face off against  Robbie Gould isssss Gold one more time. The combined points of both games will declare the winner.

The Lone Rangers will trade the Rams defense for the Jets defense. The Rams have been great as of late, but the Jets may score more points against those Titans then Rams will score against the Cardinals. Time will tell, but The Jets defense is in, and the Rams are out.

Markus WHEATON will be traded with Reuben Randle. Reuben Randle looks to be the better player, although WHEATON is a favorite of the Lone Rangers. But that is because of the WHEATON name. Randle should be a better Wide Receiver, and he better not let the Lone Rangers down.

The preview looks like the Lone Rangers will score only 65 points and Robbie Gould isssss Gold is said to score 91 points. If this is the case the Lone Rangers will lose big time. There is nothing to fear though as the Lone Rangers always give their best, and there is not much more to hope for in any team or any person.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Just like that.

The Lone Rangers go out with a bang with a win over Karl's Broncos. This was a close game 76 to 72. The Lone Rangers barely pulled ahead and took the victory with a couple of good throws and some strong defense.

Aaron Rodgers scored a 24 points for the Lone Rangers. Aaron was on fire and led his team to victory.

The Rams defense squashed Oakland and made for a huge 29 points. The Rams proved their usefulness to the Lone Rangers after weeks of playing soft.

Everyone else on the Lone Rangers did okay, but not that great. The Lone Rangers squeaked by for a win and now the Playoffs start. There will be four weeks of playoffs but the Lone Rangers will play in the Consolation Ladder.

The Consolation Ladder is the division just under the Winner's Bracket. They are not in the top bracket for winners, but they still may come in in the lesser bracket, but a victory here still means something.

Markus WHEATON will replace Reuben Randle in the upcoming Playoff game. Reuben was the old Wide receiver and he served the Lone Rangers okay, but WHEATON seems to be the better man in the upcoming game. The Lone Rangers made the tough call and WHEATON is now in.
The Lone Rangers are going up against the tough Robbie Gould isssss Gold. The preview does not look good. Try as they might it appears the Lone Rangers will lose this one. The score is predicted to be 81 to 108. A lot of things can happen on the field, but it is still a long shot if the Lone Rangers can pull off this victory.