Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Cause He's a Loser.

The Lone Rangers could not keep up their winning streak try as they might they just could not stand against the awesome Laces Out. The Lone Rangers lost 56 to 78, this keeps them at the bottom of their division, there is no hope of coming back at this point.

The top scorer was Aaron Rodgers with a smashing 19 points, but try as he might, even he couldn't keep it together for the Lone Rangers, Laces out proved to be too much even for his top achievement.

The second highest top scorer was the defense from the Rams. Their score was a tough 12 points. The defense could not hold back the offensive Laces out, Laces out just was too much their Denver Wide Receiver Demaryius Thomas smashed over the rams with 26 points.

With only one game left for the Season it looks like its lights out for The Lone Rangers. Even if they win the next game they are still too far behind to catch up. The groundhogs are bringing their mail, its the deep six, they are outta here bub.

The Lone Rangers will take on Karl's Broncos, which are on a hot streak as of late. The preview of the score looks like it may be a tie game. Many things can change if any of our key players get injured the other team could go down without much struggle.

The biggest problem for the Lone Rangers is that they have no running game at all. When a team tries to capitalize with a great quarterback but only has average receivers and okay defense it comes down to the running game. With running backs that don't have enough experience it is only by a miracle that the Lone Rangers can win any games.

With that we can still cheer them on, invite people over, eat our pizza together and drink our Sodas. The game is still a fun game even when you can't win all the time.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Win Again?

The Lone Rangers did it again. They had an impressive victory showing they are not out. The final score was 92 to 82. The Lone Rangers played a hard fought game against The Old Man, but came out ahead.
The biggest scorer for the Lone Rangers was Aaron Rodgers, with an impressive 28 points. Well done Aaron you are playing like you are wanting to win. The Packs pay you enough money and you should play your heart out, otherwise get out of the business!

The next highest scorer was Michael Floyd with 17 points. Good job Michael you did a good thing for Arizona and for The Lone Rangers.

Roddy White also from Arizona did the next highest points with 13. Arizona played pretty well and we thank you very much. It helped us destroy The Old Man!

Heath Miller has a BYE week, and we don't want a big zero for this game, so we will take Owen Williams as the other Tight End for the next game.

The Steelers Defense also have a BYE week. The Lone Rangers will put the Rams Defense in their place. Rams look like they will do a great job, and they BETTER do a good job, or they will be FIRED off the team.

Zac Stacy will be traded with Bernard Pierce. The role of the Running Back has always been hard for the Lone Rangers to find a good fit. We do okay, but ultimately it is a weakness in our team. Bernard will be better than Zac, but not a whole lot.

Stephen Gotkowski was voted the number one kicker for this year, well he looks to not be so hot. The Lone Rangers are glad that they also have Phil Dawson from the 49ers! Phil Dawson will take the Kicker's place for The Lone Rangers. We will put our trust in Phil!

Each week there is a preview for how well they think each team will do. The Lone Rangers look like they will win their next game against Laces Out. This will be a tough game, Laces out has won most of their games, and they best us before.

Winning is great and fun, but the better thing is playing the game to the best of our ability while learning new skills, and growing in our relationships with those we play with.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Winning is a strange thing. It can bring feelings of wonder, amazement, or pride. Pride though is a terrible thing that can bring down anybody, the best of people. I do not want to be full of pride but winning another game feels great!

The final score was 83 - 65. My points were higher than the other team and so my team has won this game. There are many other games to go but this win puts us closer to winning the big one. What is the big one? If our team or any team wins enough games we will face off the best from the other division. There are two divisions in our league, with six teams in each, do the math that is twelve teams total.

Looking at the score it was easy to see why we won. The other team didn't adjust their players. Each week players get a bye week, this means that they don't play. They get time off, like paid vacation, sort of. The other team used players that didn't actually play or do anything in the NFL. If a player doesn't play at all in the NFL, that means the fantasy league player does nothing as well. The Lone Rangers won because quite simply the other team didn't pay attention. The win doesn't feel as great anymore.

Bernard Pierce needs to be traded with Zac Stacy, not because Stacy is great, but because Pierce has a BYE week. The Lone Rangers needs somebody and Stacy is the man to do it.

Steve Gotkowski is a kicker, who is scheduled to do better than Phil Dawson, the other kicker. Therfore Phil is out, and Steve is back in! Steve we hope you do well, and we are sure you will. There are no other good trades to make.

The Lone Rangers are scheduled to win the next game, but we all know winning can change in a matter of week. Depending how the real players do, will depend on how well the Lone Rangers do. As it turns out winning isn't everything, the work to get there, and what doors winning can open is what truly matters.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Its no surprise.

Lost big time once again, is anybody surprised? No? Good me either. What was the score you ask? 67 to 35, so apparently we both had a bad day. The really bad day fell on the Lone Rangers. 35 points is a real thing, 35 points! How can anybody be that bad?!

The top scorer for the Lone Rangers was WHEATON!
With 12 points! My pep talk last week must have done some good! He must have read this and did a better job! That's how it works right? I make this blog and the pros read it for all their inspiration and the direction they need to go with each game!

The second highest top scorer was Colin Kaepernick with 10 points. My gosh what a bunch of nonsense now given these are most of my second string players but wow they sucked. Even players that should do well sucked up the place. Phil Dawson a fellow 49ers player did 3 points! You sir are a disgrace to 49ers players and to the fans!

Aaron Rodgers is going back in for obvious reasons, goodbye Kaepernick! Rodgers welcome back you will do well, you always have!

Zac Stacy you are being replaced by Bernard Pierce for a Running Back. My gosh every running back on our team sucks.

WHEATON! you are going out and being replaced with Roddy White. Sure WHEATON! you served me well in the past but Roddy White is projected to win more points. It is nothing personal its just about winning the Gold and at this rate who knows if we will win that at all.

The Jets Defense is being replaced by the Steelers Defense. Anybody else confused? Good that is the way it should be. Never liked the jets but GO JETS!

Thus far the Lone Rangers are projected to win 83 to 74! WOO HOO! We are going to win, win, WIN! You will see we are coming back back to the top GO FOR THE GOLD! Winning is everything, right?